GPS system winter maintenance

GPS device or app
Call&Report records all winter road activities using GPS transmitters. As different businesses have different needs and requirements, we offer different types of GPS equipment:
- portable GPS transmitter
- mounted GPS transmitter
- app (iOS and Android)
You don’t need to settle for just one type of equipment, but can mix equipment types freely to suite your business needs. The different equipment types have different advantages and functions. For example, the portable GPS transmitter is easy to use and also easy to move between vehicles. The mounted transmitter on the other hand, can easily be connected to equipment in the vehicle, such as a plough or a salt spreader, to automatically log when the equipment is activated.
Our app offers even more functionality, such as route maps for drivers, and the possibility to log photos and comments when reporting faults, obstacles, pot holes etc.

Record activities
Both the portable and the mounted GSP transmitter automatically detects when the transmitter starts to move and starts logging the track. If using our app, the driver manually reports via the app when an activity is started. All activities are logged in detail, containing information about the worker, type of activity, date and time and GPS track, and all the information is easily accessible on the web. If reporting activities via the app, additional information, such as material type and quantities, district, project number and photos could be recorded as well.
As supervisor you can easily monitor the activities over the web. The map views in Call&Report quickly gives you a good overview of the status of all work assignments – if they are in progress, completed or waiting for action.
The information is updated in real time. In the map views, different colours help you identify different types of assignments, e.g. ploughing or salting, and coloured flag symbols indicate where single task reports, obstacles or divergences have been registered.
All logged activities can be exported into PDF, Excel or Shape format.

Log single work tasks or divergences
The driver can quickly and easily send a work report, or register divergences or observations – for example obstacles or pot holes – along the way. All it takes is a push of a button. The information is registered and displayed as a flag in Call&Report.
If using the app, such a flag report can be logged with additional information and a photo. You can control what information to collect when a flag report is sent in to Call&Report, and is this way use the function to create different types of protocols.
On the portable GPS transmitter, buttons can be pre-programmed to register different flag reports; such as pot holes, broken street lights, obstacles, etc.
The flag function can be used by supervisors for inspections or inventories, or by the workers out on the field.
All registered flag reports can be exported into PDF, Excel or Shape format.

Reports for insurance cases and liability claims
Was the road ploughed before or after the accident occurred? Where was our truck when the damage occurred? Get answers to all of these questions using the Call&Report insurance report.
Call&Report lets you easily collect evidence of your vehicle’s whereabouts, showing if and when a vehicle was at the scene of an incident, and at what speed and direction the vehicle was driving. Such records are very valuable if receiving requests for information or liability claims, where it is often difficult to determine exactly what has happened, and it is one person’s word against another.

Dispatch work orders
Call&Report’s call-out function lets you easily dispatch work orders to your drivers, individually or as a team. The drivers are contacted by Call&Report and handed a work order via phone or SMS. When they have accepted the work orders, Call&Report will wait for them to start the job and record the start time. All communication, receipts, responses and start times are logged in detail and can be followed up in Call&Report.
A typical call-out takes an average of 2.5 minutes, regardless of how many you contact; all calls go out in parallel. By having Call&Report sending out your work orders, you save valuable time, and the drivers get out on the roads sooner.

Route planning
Call&Report can distribute route descriptions together with the work orders. The route description will instruct the driver which streets and roads in the district to treat, and is available to the driver as a coloured line layer in the Call&Report app. As the driver treats the roads, his logged track will be drawn on top of the line layer, showing what areas have been treated or cleared. The map is updated in real time so that both the driver and the supervisor can follow the progress.
If you prefer statistics and numbers, there are reports detailing the work carried out in the areas covered by your route descriptions, showing time spent and logged distance.
Real-time follow-up
“Do we have enough available resources to treat the district in time? Do we have to reallocate resources?”
The Call&Report GPS system gives you a quick overview of where your resources are right now and how much of their district has been treated so far. With this information, you can monitor if action times are met and reallocate your resources to priority areas if needed.
In Call&Report you can follow up and analyze activities to make immediate, short term decisions, or to evaluate a whole season and plan for upcoming seasons. Call&Report gives you quick answers to how many work orders have been dispatched during the season, or how many hours have been spent on different activities in different areas. The data logged in the Call&Report GPS system helps you evaluate the season, measure efficiency and calculate costs for the next season.
Follow-up using geofence
Do you need to analyze and evaluate activities carried out within a specific area of a larger district? Call&Report lets you create geofences and pull out data on activities carried out within each area. Geofences makes it easy to extract data on, for example, how much time has been spent on ploughing a specific parking lot or sweeping a specific school yard during the past season.
Reports and exports
Call&Report can generate a variety of reports and exports; everything from detailed invoice data to an action list based on reports logged during an inspection round. Filtering data makes it possible to pull out reports for, for example, a specific time period, or a certain worker or type of activity.
Invoice control
Invoice control and follow-up of costs is made easier with Call&Report. The detailed invoice report include information about driver, route, start and completion times, type of operation, and time spent in transportation vs time spent on treating roads.
Inspections and inventories
Observations made in the field, such as road condition, deviations, hinder or damage can be quickly and easily reported along the way. All it requires is a push of a button. If using the Call&Report app you can predefine protocols to be used for playground controls, tree inspections, or for different types of inventory (checking street lights, trash cans, traffic signs, etc.).
With Call&Report’s GPS system you can detect right away if a vehicle “goes missing”. You can for example follow up on the vehicle’s whereabouts and trace its current location in a map view.
Call&Report has an import function to facilitate the registration of personnel (e.g. drivers or entrepreneurs) in the system, which is especially useful when starting up a new account, or when preparing for a new season.
Easy reconfiguration and reuse of equipment
You can easily change the configuration in Call&Report so that the GPS devices used during the winter season can be used for other work assignments in the summer season.