
Road maintenance

Snow removal and deicing

Snow removal and deicing

When your fleet is out on the roads carrying out snow removal or deicing treatment, you can follow the entire operation via Call&Report. Everything is being logged, from the moment Call&Report starts dispatching work orders until all work has been completed. Through real-time reports from the drivers, you can monitor their progress and any obstacles that they record during the operation. You will get a good overview of the operation and can confirm that delivery standards are being met, and that work is carried out in a safe and efficient manner.

Street sweeping

Street sweeping

Using Call&Report, you can verify that all streets are being swept, and that the job is done efficiently and on time. By reviewing our speed analysis report you can also confirm that the work is being done at the speed most optimal to achieve good quality.

Would you like to know how much time your drivers spend sweeping the streets, versus being in transit and standstills? Call&Report makes it easy to follow up how efficiently your fleet is being utilized.

Cleaning of road drains and gullies

Cleaning of road drains and gullies

When cleaning road drains and gullies, you can equip your fleet with portable GPS transmitters, where buttons can be used to mark the drains that have been cleaned. If you opt for using the Call&Report app instead, additional information and photos can be reported into the system. The information will be stored and presented in various table views, maps and reports.

Repairing potholes and cracks

Frost heave in the spring causes cracks and holes that need to be repaired. Call&Report makes it easy to report faults and defects detected during road inspection. Detailed information, such as exact location, status, suggested actions, and even photos, can be logged for each report. The information can be used as work orders by those who will be carrying out the repairs.

Spring street sweeping

When the season for snow ploughing and anti-slip treatment is over, it is time for spring sweeping of the streets. Using Call&Report, you can quickly follow up your street sweepers to see which streets have been cleaned and which areas remain to be treated. By reviewing our speed analysis report you can also confirm that the work is being done at the speed most optimal to achieve good quality.

Roadside ditch and verge maintenance

Call&Report quickly gives you an overview of which areas have been treated, when it was done, who carried out the job and how long it took.

The data is useful not only for internal follow up and analysis, but also very valuable in case of public liability claims.

Deicing and snow removal

During longer periods of adverse weather or heavy snowfall, you need to spend a lot of resources on deicing and snow removal. Call&Report gives you complete control of exactly how many snow operations you have carried out, and how much it has cost you in time and resources.

Inspect and report

Call&Report considerably facilitates any type of inspections, e.g. traffic sign or lighting inventory. Faults, discrepancies, or any type of observation, can easily and smoothly be reported through the Call&Report app. The logged data can be used to generate an action report, or be used as a work order.

Park maintenance

Grass cutting

Lawn mowing

In Call&Report you can quickly follow up on which areas have been cut, and when they were last cut. Call&Report gives you an overview of how much resources have been spent on green area maintenance, helping you calculate costs, and ensure that resources are spent efficiently and that your services are delivered according to standards and requirements.

Should you receive requests for information or liability claims, Call&Report will provide you with all the details you need to address these.



Call&Report helps you plan, organize and document all types of inspections. When you carry out for example playground controls, tree controls or inspect park benches, you can quickly and easily log status and defects through Call&Report. The reported information can then be used to generate your action plan. Logging your inspections using Call&Report, you can effectively analyze both results and costs and ensure that services are delivered at high quality.



Inventory of for example street lighting, traffic signs or park benches are all carried out more efficiently using Call&Report. Status reports, defects or observations are easily registered at the touch of a button. If you send in your reports via the Call&Report app, you can also submit information such as comments and photos. Location, date and time stamps are logged automatically.

Litter bin emptying

A simple push of a button is all that is required to report into the system that a litter bin or dog bin has been emptied. Call&Report will give you a summary of the work carried out, with the option to look in detail at a specific route or even a specific bin. You get full control of your district and can ensure that all litter bins are emptied regularly.

Green area maintenance

Equipping your workers with our GPS transmitters, you can log on to Call&Report to easily follow up on which green areas have already been treated, which ones are being maintained right now, and who is carrying out the work.

Call&Report helps you to verify that all surfaces are being taken care of, and using Call&Report’s detailed work reports you can ensure that resources are utilized effectively.

Hard surface weed control

Hard standings such as gravel or block-paved driveways, paths and patios require regular attending to, to control weeds. Registering the maintenance in Call&Report, you will quickly get an overview of which areas have been treated, when a specific location was last treated, and how much resources – in material costs and man-hours – were spent.

Property maintenance

Snow removal and deicing

Snow removal and deicing

When you send out staff to clear properties of snow and deice entrances, you can follow the entire operation via Call&Report. Everything is being logged, from the moment Call&Report starts dispatching work orders, until work has been completed. Through real-time reports from staff, you can monitor their progress and any obstacles that they report during the operation. You will get a good overview of the operation and can confirm that delivery standards are being met, and that work is carried out in a safe and efficient manner.

Grass cutting

Lawn mowing

Use Call&Report to quickly follow up on which areas have been cut, and when they were last cut. Call&Report will also give you an overview of how much resources have been spent on green area maintenance, helping you calculate costs, and ensure that resources are utilized efficiently and that your services are delivered according to standards and requirements.



Call&Report gives you a good overview of when repair work has been started and completed. Equipping your staff with a portable GPS transmitter or the Call&Report app, start and completion times and location are automatically registered. If using the app, staff can report additional information such as status on completed tasks, notes on unfinished tasks, comments and photos, etc. You can customize the protocols to meet your requirements.

Routine property patrols

When doing routine inspection of properties, Call&Report will help you plan and document your work. If you use our app, you can create inspection protocols that staff fill in on site. The protocols can be tailored to meet your needs, and include lists, comment fields, rating scales, etc. With Call&Report you will get a good overview of your property’s state and condition, and if any damages have been reported.

Inspections and inventory

All types of inspections and inventory work are carried out more efficiently using Call&Report. Status reports, defects or observations are easily registered at the touch of a button. If you send in your inspection reports using the Call&Report app, you can also submit information such as comments and photos. Inspection protocols can be predefined and tailored. Location, date and time stamps are logged automatically.